


The overall quality of a school’s Advanced Placement® 计划是其成功的关键 students in their preparation for 成功 in college and also in the college admissions 过程. Berkeley’s 大学咨询 Office has compiled some 常见问题 regarding AP® 课程 as they relate to the college 过程.


  • AP怎么样?® 课程 and scores reviewed in the college admissions 过程?

    A transcript showing enrollment in multiple AP® 课程是, 本身, 在大学录取过程中不能准确可靠地预测成绩或成功. 在择优录取中, students are read in the context of the high school that they attend. 大学招生顾问通常会得到棋牌游戏大全学校学生可以选择的课程的详细信息, the standardized testing averages for the class, 上一年度的AP考试成绩, percent of students attending a four-year college, 以及班级的年级分布,让学生对高中和学生有一个正确的认识.

    While individual high schools are responsible for teaching their AP® 课程, students take a national advanced placement 考试 at the end of the school year. The 考试 are scored on a scale of 1 – 5 with scores of 3, 4 and 5 considered “college recommended” marks. 因此,可以根据学生在国家考试中的整体成功来评估个别学校的AP®课程.

    The reality is that colleges and universities consider the strength of a school’s AP® 在确定学生课程选择的优点和学术时间表的严谨性时,计划. 如果学校的“通过率”(i.e. 考试得3分的百分比, 4, 5)是低的, the assumption can be that the AP 课程 taught are of questionable rigor; in such a scenario, AP数量® 学生成绩单上的课程对录取结果的影响要小得多.
  • 棋牌游戏平台的AP是什么® 与他人相比的通过率?

    棋牌游戏平台的美联社® 2019年的通过率为86%. 根据大学理事会的说法®, 93% of students at Berkeley scored a three or higher on at least one 考试. 最近一次可用的比较数据来自2018年,当时92%的棋牌游戏平台学生在至少一门考试中获得了3分或更高的分数,而佛罗里达州的这一比例为56%,全球61%的学生在至少一门AP考试中获得了3分或更高的分数® 考试.
  • What are Berkeley’s college acceptance statistics?

    2020届毕业生被38个州的186所学院和大学录取, 哥伦比亚特区, 加拿大, 苏格兰, 和阿联酋. The class earned over $10 million in scholarships, and 86 percent of the class qualified for the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship 程序.
  • AP是一定数量的吗® 课程 required to gain acceptance to a selective college?

    不幸的是, 棋牌游戏大全名牌大学的读者认为哪些是AP的“加分项”,有很多假设® 课程. One of the greatest oversimplifications of the 过程 is the myth that “X number of AP® 课程 are required to get into a selective college.X的变化取决于你和谁说话, 但这个误区背后的错误理论仍然是一样的……“如果一个学生没有上大学预修课程® 当然,她/他将没有选择.”

    It is not enough in competitive college admissions to simply have AP® 学生成绩单上的课程. Most applications for selective institutions, 包括通用申请, which is used by 800+ colleges and universities, 现在要求学生报告AP® 考试成绩在申请过程中. 同样,学生在AP中的表现® 班被仔细检查, as is the school’s overall 执行ance on the 考试, 以确定AP®课程的质量,并为整个学生群体做准备. It is important to remember that the overall quality of a school’s AP® 计划是其成功的关键 students in the college 过程. 出于这个原因, 两个学生在不同的高中学习相同的课程,取得相同的成绩是可能的, 但是,一个学生被认为比另一个学生“更有竞争力”是基于声誉和个人高中课程的严谨性.
  • 多少AP ?® 棋牌游戏平台开设课程?

    目前,26个AP® 课程 are offered across all of the academic disciplines.
  • 棋牌游戏平台的哲学是什么 & AP方法® 课程?

    棋牌游戏平台的哲学是美联社® 课程 should be taught at the college level, as intended by the College Board®正如大学所期望的那样. It is for this reason that the majority of our AP® classes are available to junior and senior students; it is a rare freshman or sophomore in high school who is prepared to 成功fully master the material in a college-level course. 因此, 我们九年级的课程, 10 and 11 is designed to build a foundation for students that lead to readiness for AP® 成功. It is an approach that has been highly 成功ful for our students and school.

    在保持符合大学水平课程的严格入学要求的同时,我们开设了AP课程® 课程 more accessible to qualified students. Since 2015, the number of students taking at least one AP® 考试增加了近20%. In 2019, 295 students took at least one AP® 考试 and we administered 800 考试. 增加AP的可访问性® 课程 continues to be accompanied by an impressively high level of 执行ance on the AP® 考试. Over the past five years, as we have continued to increase access to the AP® 课程, Berkeley students have taken more than 3,600 AP® 考试 and achieved an incredible 86% pass rate. 学生们将在棋牌游戏平台大学提供给他们的课程背景下接受大学读者的评估,并始终受益于我们在全国享有的良好声誉.

    同时, 我们抵制任何自满的诱惑,而是继续站在围绕美联社的利益问题的最前沿® program; we continuously evaluate and research our program and make changes that are in the best interests of our students, 他们的教育和大学过程. 除了, 我们鼓励家长和学生与棋牌游戏平台的学术顾问密切合作,以确保一个具有挑战性的时间表,学生可以在学业上取得成功.

    在棋牌游戏平台,我们要求所有AP® students to take the 考试 as part of their commitment to the course. Our college counselors are sometimes asked about the importance of the AP® 考试成绩(考虑到考试在年底举行)和大学对课程结果的实际兴趣程度. Again, the reality is that colleges and universities consider the strength of a school’s AP® 在确定学生课程选择的优点和学术时间表的严谨性时,计划. If the school’s “pass rate” is low, the assumption can be that the AP® 课程 taught are of questionable rigor; in such a scenario, the number of Advanced Placement® 学生成绩单上的课程对录取结果的影响要小得多.
  • 美联社的历史是什么® 程序?

    根据大学理事会的说法®大学先修课程® program was 开发ed in the 1950s and was designed to allow talented, motivated students the opportunity to take college-level 课程 while still in high school. It was seen as a partnership of sorts between high schools and colleges; a way to inspire bright students to maximize their abilities. 在学年结束时, a national 考试 is given in each subject that is scored on a 1 – 5 scale with scores of 3, 4, and 5 considered “college recommending” marks. 每个学生都参加同样的考试, so it is possible to compare both student and high school scores on a national level.
成立于1960年, 棋牌游戏平台是独立的, 圣公会, college-preparatory day school located in Tampa, FL, for boys and girls in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12. Approximately 1,400 students gather here from the greater Tampa Bay area to form ONE Berkeley.