我很荣幸地欢迎您来到我们优秀的学校社区的在线版本. 当您探索我们深入而全面的网站时,您将看到棋牌游戏大全每天为与我们一起工作的学生和家庭提供的辉煌, 以及我们共同形成的恒星专业社区的建议. You will see testament, in words, pictures, and videos, to our rich and broad program, our rigor and community engagement, our passion and commitment, optimism and positive energy, respect, kindness, and desire for excellence. 你会看到展示丰富的例子,我们的核心价值观-纪律, Diligence, 和1960年一样,诚信贯穿于我们今天的棋牌游戏大全. 你会发现,我们最自豪的是,我们确实让世界上的人产生了积极的影响. Guided by our mission statement, Berkeley is driven to provide the best possible environment for the children in our charge; that too will be clear as you explore our site.
当然,这只是一个网站,尽管它可能是全面的,但它与这里是不一样的. 我当然希望你会对你所看到的感到好奇和兴奋, and that as a result you will come visit us; we look forward to the opportunity to host you here for a tour and some rich conversation. Welcome to Berkeley!